Thursday, October 15, 2009


I was instantly interested in this paper as soon as I read the title. Though my experience with concurrent programming is limited, many of the bugs I encountered during that time were “Heisenbugs.” However, the last time I read about an interesting testing library that was based off of a research paper and Microsoft had created a version for its internal testing, Randoop, I was disappointed to find that the .NET code was not available.

Chess focuses on using only a few preemptions in a sequence but interleavening those preemptions in as many different places in the sequence. The tool also allows you to specify which areas to test more and which areas to run atomically.

I find it nice that the tool runs deterministically & that you can instantly get the last thread interleavening, though those are obvious features without which the tool wouldn’t be very useful. It’s also quite nice tht the tool doesn’t need a custom VM to be able to intercept calls.

Good old Lamport timestamps back from my distributed systems class. They sound like they give a good amount of flexibility to the scheduling algorithm by only requiring a partial ordering. It just has to focus on interleavening a few key events at the right times with respect to each other but not worry about absolute times.

Threadpool work items, async callbacks, timer callbacks

Chess just needs to know if a synchronization operation “isWrite,” writing to shared state, or “isRelease,” releasing other tasks that are blocked on a synchronization mechanism. “isWrite” causes edges to be created in the happens-before graph backwards to all previous nodes and forwards to all subsequent nodes. If the API that Chess has to work with can’t be well understood, program correctness will be maintained by setting both to true; only performance and efficiency will be affected.

Chess avoids blocking calls by wrapping them & using the “try” version instead, which does not block. The tool can then move that task off into the “disabled” queue until a release event occurs on that synchronization resource. This prevents Chess from being blocked.

One problem with Chess is that it can’t guarantee the “real-time” semantics of timers, but few programs correctness or control flow rely on the threads being scheduled and executed real-time.

Data races for non-synchronized shared memory must be put into the “happens-before” graph, too. Chess enforces that the threads run in a single-threaded fashion so that Chess can deterministically execute the program and capture replay info.

There are n to the (k to the c) power thread interleavenings with n threads and k atomic operations performed by each and c interleavenings performed with each run. Chess solves this explosion of the search space by: keeping c low, usually around two, and by keeping k low by ignoring system functions and base libraries. Chess has found that keeping c low but examining all possible interleavening give the small magnitude of c has had great success.

When running Chess in a test harness, things implemented by devs to randomize the program like a large number of threads and sleep calls need to be undone to allow Chess to thoroughly and deterministically search the interleaving space.

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